Appointments Required: Call (517)353-4660 or use online scheduling for many types of appointments in primary care or gynecology
Medical visits require an appointment before arriving. Students are required to schedule their own appointments. Scheduling Hours: Monday–Friday, 8–11:45 a.m. and 12:45–4:50 p.m. (Phone hours begin at 8:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month following our staff meeting.)
Schedule an Appointment

COVID-19 Testing
For the latest testing guidance for students who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms (like congestion or loss of taste or smell), visit
Students experiencing significant symptoms (such as high fever, persistent cough or shortness of breath) can request a medical appointment at Olin Health Center. A Student Health Services provider will administer a COVID-19 test as medically necessary.

Preparing for Campus Life: Minor Consent Form
Parent or guardian consent is required for most routine medical care in Michigan for students 18 years or younger. If your student will be 17 or younger when arriving on campus, please complete and return the Minor Consent Form.