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Health Insurance Coverage

It is strongly recommended that all MSU students have good health insurance coverage. 

MSU Student Health Insurance

The MSU Student Aetna plan is offered through the MSU Benefits Office and provides great national coverage at a competitive price. The MSU Student Aetna plan recommends students seek care at Olin Health Center first during business hours. (Refer to Aetna for details.)

International, veterinary and medical students are required by MSU to have insurance and are automatically enrolled in the MSU Aetna student health insurance plan. For more information, visit the MSU Benefits website. International students may also wish to visit the OISS website or Email


All MSU students are eligible to enroll in the MSU-sponsored student health plan. The Aetna premium cost and other key information can be found at Additional options are explained below.

  • If You Do Not Have Health Insurance

    Options for Uninsured Students

    While the “three visits” at the Olin and neighborhood clinics can assist with minor illness or injury, uninsured students who experience a severe injury or illness may find themselves with financial hardship. Insurance is strongly recommended for all students.

    The three options outlined below include important dates and links for additional information. All three offer mental health benefits in addition to physical health benefits.

    Healthy Michigan Plan

    The Healthy Michigan Plan provides health care benefits to Michigan residents at a low cost so that more people can have health care coverage. Individuals are eligible for the Healthy Michigan Plan if they:

    • Are age 19-64 years
    • Have income at or below 133% of the federal poverty level* ($16,000 for a single person or $33,000 for a family of four)
    • Do not qualify for or are not enrolled in Medicare
    • Do not qualify for or are not enrolled in other Medicaid programs
    • Are not pregnant at the time of application
    • Are residents of the State of Michigan

    *Eligibility for the Healthy Michigan Plan is determined through the Modified Adjusted Gross Income methodology.

    Enrollment Open: Year-round, no deadline for eligible individuals

    Cost: very low cost

    Info and Enroll:,5668,7-326-67874---,00.html 

    MSU Student Health Insurance Plan

    Plan: Aetna

    Premium Cost:

    Eligibility: All MSU students, Law students, Visiting scholars, and more, including spouse and children of a student enrolled in the plan.

    Enrollment Info: 

    Health Insurance Marketplace (ACA)

    Health Insurance Marketplace (ACA) plans for 2020 on

    Visit the website to view plans (many to choose from), income variance information, cost of the premium, enrollment times, coverage dates, and deadlines.

    Enroll & Info:

    Easy to understand info:

    This is meant to provide an overview of options for those students who are not currently enrolled in a health insurance plan. If you have questions or difficulty in enrolling in one of these plans, the following are options for assistance:

    Healthy Michigan Plan: Call (855) 789-5610 or email a Care Manager Social Worker at

    MSU Student Insurance Plan: 

    • Aetna Customer Service: 1-888-US-AETNA (1-800-872-3862) (TTY: 711)
    • MSU Human Resources Solutions Center: (517) 353-4434

    Health Insurance Marketplace:
    Questions: (800) 318-2596

  • If You Have Health Insurance:

    Check with your insurance company to determine whether your insurance plan will cover services at MSU Student Health Services, or in the East Lansing area.

    MSU Student Health Services is considered in-network for:

    • MSU-sponsored BCN Student Health Plan,
    • Most BCBS, BCN, McLaren, Aetna PPO, and McLaren Medicaid plans, and
    • Priority Health.
    Most other HMOs and PPOs will consider us to be out of network. Patients are encouraged to contact their insurance company to confirm coverage at MSU Olin Health Center.

    We will bill other private US insurance companies and bill the patient for charges not covered by insurance.

    MSU Student Health Services is the gatekeeper for the MSU GA and Student Health BCN policies. The MSU BCN policy covers most health expenses at Olin and the Neighborhood Clinics. The only costs through Student Health Services are co-payments for office visits, prescriptions, psychiatry visits, and physical therapy sessions. There is a charge, co-payment, and deductible for services referred outside of Olin Health Center.

Student Health Services charges for most services at Olin and in the Neighborhood clinics. Most charges are similar to what is charged in the community.

Additional resources include: