Complete medical records are maintained for all MSU Student Health Services patients. Information in student medical records is confidential, and access to them is restricted to authorized Student Health Services personnel. Medical information is released to a parent or non-medical personnel only if the student gives written consent. Other restrictions may apply. For more details about what information can be released contact the medical records department at (517) 353-9153 or email your question to
Requests can be made in person by stopping by the medical records office in Olin Health Center. Proper identification is required to be given copies of your record; additionally, you may send a request in writing by completing the authorization for healthcare disclosure form. Completed forms can be faxed directly to the medical records department at (517) 432-9460.
We are required to obtain your signature with a request for your records; therefore requests must be made in writing via fax, mail, or in person. The only exception is a patient signed up for MyHealth, who is able to request copies in that secure email system.
Our new patient portal, MyMSUHealth, can be used to pay bills, check appointment times, contact your medical provider, and much more. To sign up or sign in go to those who wish to give their parents permission to obtain copies or discuss their medical information, we request that a student come to the medical records department after their visit to sign an authorization form to release information to a parent. The release of information can be for all records or for specific visits; the student will need to indicate this when giving permission to release records.
For your convenience, we now offer the AthenaPatient app to access your patient portal for Apple and Android devices. The AthenaPatient app can be downloaded from your favorite app store.
We will gladly transfer your medical information to your next health care provider at no charge to you if you provide us with a completed authorization form. If you would like a hard copy of your record then there may be a charge. That charge is based on the number of pages in your record.
Generally, we only send that past year’s record with a note to your new provider indicating that we have additional records that they may request. We look for significant tests or problems that you may seek follow-up care for; any problems that are resolved and you are no longer treated for are not routinely mailed unless it is your most recent medical history. All records will be available for a minimum of 10 years past your last day of treatment per Michigan State University Policy.
In most cases, it is helpful to have your medical information transferred to Olin Student Health Center so your provider knows exactly what medication or treatment was prescribed. Simply stop by the Medical Records department and complete the release form; be sure to bring your provider’s address or fax number. Additionally, you may fill out the release form online and send it to your provider yourself.
ADHD Records:
Students wishing to have a Primary Care physician at Olin Health Center take over the ongoing management of ADD/ADHD medication should:
Once we receive your medical records, a Student Health Services primary care physician will review them. If the records are complete, we will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you have not been contacted to schedule an appointment within two weeks of returning your request for records, please contact the Medical Records team at (517) 353-9153.
Learn more about ADD/ADHD medication management here.
Immunization Records:
We only have immunization records for the actual immunizations you were given at Olin Student Health Services, the Travel Clinic, or University’s Physician Office. MSU does not require you to submit the actual immunization records you had prior to arriving on campus, only to enter them in the self-report system. If you wish to review or update your immunization history, please visit
Reminder: The MyMSUHealth patient portal is super easy to use.
Sign up now at MyMSUHealth.
Medical Records is located in Room 146 on the 1st floor of the Olin Health Center.
Phone number: (517) 353-9153
Fax: (517) 432-9460
Medical Records
Olin Health Center
463 E Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824-1036